In order to have the financial background for our projects, we need the help of sponsors, who help us by donations or the sponsoring of a tree plantation. Here we would like to present our sponsors, and we would like to ask ayone interested in a sponsorship to contact us!!!.

Name: GAIA United Republic Under gGmbH
IBAN: DE38 1001 0123 4243 4379 08

€20 of €700 raised
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Donation Total: €100,00

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VIVA ServiceAgentur GmbH Berlin, Baumschule Lorberg (Stefan Lorberg), expofair GmbH, Berlin (Stühle und Tische), Bio Company (Äpfel& Bananen für die Kinder), Screen Print Factory,, CommText Kerstin Borowiak (Pressetext), Presseagentur gopublicberlin (Donata Meyer), richenda gillespie übersetzung + adaption, Jana Milosovicova Dipl.-Ing. Landscape Architecture, M &C.Bezel Grafik& 3 D Animation, Marco Schmidt TU- Berlin, Dr.Chrs. Lipperheide PR-Berater, Andreas Wittenberg Wittenberg-Event, Michael Arndt MVS-Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG, Christoph Katerbau Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin, Deutsche Informationsbörse AG, T. Domröse – Eisleriana Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” Berlin, Berliner Fenster GmbH Herr Kuhaupt, florian.petri, Tobias Deicke (Gaia Fee Plakat), Béla Hagyó, Sven Schlebes & Michael Vongerichten, Kerstin Borowiak Redaktion und Design AG, Ufa- Bäcker, Ilker Catak -Film Media-Company T. Löse
