In Addition to it´s startling publicity projects, GAIA always helps in a direct manner as well. During the past two years we planted a lot of trees, many under the presence of prominent supporters. In this area we show an extract of the list of tree plantations that we did, as well as some photos.
Gaia „join THE GREEN EVOLUTION“ at Golden Horn Istanbul 2013
Concrete climate protection starts in 2013 in Istanbul: Join the Golden Age, THE SUN OF THE GOLDEN AGE SHALL ALSO RISE IN Istanbul 2013
Istanbul 19.01.2013 Gaia Ilyas Bublis has presented our presentation by means of 3D film in Berlin of which project was prepared by us with the participation of Bekir Bozdağ, the Vice Prime Minister.
ECOART-PROJECT İstanbul 2013 at Golden Horn drew the attention of H. Avni Karslıoğlu, Chief of Mission of R.T. to Berlin and Önder Matlı, Bursa Deputy during TUMSIAD (All Industrialist and Businessman Association) opening.
Istanbul 23.01.2013 Funeral of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Mete Işıkara. Following the performance of prayer for funeral, Gaia Ilyas Bublis presented ECOART-PROJECT İstanbul 2013 Project by having opportunity to meet Hüseyin Avni Mutlu, governor of İstanbul and Kadir Topbaş, Mayor of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
May Deprem dede(Earthquake grandfather) rest in peace: May him have his place as heaven.
Istanbul 24.01.2013 Mr. Ali Ergün,, IBB (Metropolitan Municipality of İstanbul) Urban Design Director and Serpil Bayraktaroğlu, stated during the meeting that we held 128 building roofs need urgent rehabilitation.
Biz Gaia „Yeşil İstanbul – Join the golden evolution!“The target of ECOART-Project is to make the roof restoring works that are necessary in Beyoğlu district usable in connection with future; all roofs present around the Galata Tower shall be made green by a single action in terms of ecology and the walls shall be ornamented by golden spangles as a core art Project.
Istanbul 27.01.2013 evening Gaia Ilyas Bublis – Following the concert named as Aşk-ı Nebi ve Zikir Taneleri (Love for Prophet and Mentioning Pieces) which was participated by Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, the Prime Minster of R.T. in Lütfi Kırdar Congress Center and our presentation through 3D film of which ECOART-PROJECT İstanbul 2013 Project was prepared by us was given and we also expect the support of the Prime Minster of R.T. in this regard.
Firstly, let us start with our homes, which we built with concrete that fails to comply with the energy of human however, which is our most holly place. We may remove such burden from the roofs of our homes, which we close with tiles, and on which we place load of tons and we may make our roofs green through insulation. One of the most important problems of İstanbul is water. We may get use of rainwaters in this manner and we may contribute to the life of our next generation. Additionally, we may contribute to electricity production by collecting the solar energy by means of collectors. Mission of all of us is finding final solution and increasing our life quality rather than worrying about problems. “ The best way to envisage the future is to direct it properly. “(Willy Brandt). We present ideas by means of our project for roof use in future. Because, the city of future shall live on roofs.
We kindly request you, my Prime Minister of R.T., my Minister of Environment and Urbanism and my Mayor of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Governor of İstanbul, to support us so that we may perform this project. All doors shall open before us in terms of bureaucracy by means of your support and we shall realize a holly mission with your leadership. Our belief that the support that you give shall make difference for our entire country is endless. We expect our government’s support related to our Project. We kindly request you to execute the necessary action.
Click for 3D film that we prepared :
Let you get inspired as well and be a part of Golden Age.
With the hope of meeting you in project that shall be realized.

UN Decade Project Winner 2012
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Honor of the city of Berlin 2012
GAIA founder Ilyas Bublis was awarded by Senator Mario Czaja with a badge of honor of the city of Berlin for many years of social engagement.
On Monday, 3 December 2012 the GAIA founder Ilyas Bublis was honored with the award of the badge of honor of the city of Berlin. The badge of honor was presented by Secretary of State Michael Büge.
With this reward, the city of Berlin appreciated the engagement of Ilyas Bublis and GAIA for the preservation of biodiversity in the metropolitan area of Berlin/Brandenburg. Already on 29 October 2021, GAIA was awarded by the UN as the Official Decade for Biological Biodiversity Project 2012. With this double award Mr. Bublis received confirmation that he is a model for the biological diversity used in Germany, and especially in the Berlin/Brandenburg region. He sets a significant sign for the commitment in this area and helps encourage more people for the preservation of biological diversity.
For this longstanding commitment GAIA has received numerous awards. In 2004, GAIA received the Environmental Award from the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU). In 2002 GAIA was awarded by the UN as the Official Decade for Biological Biodiversity Project. The ceremony was honored by the ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye, Mr. Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu. On 3 December 2012, the badge of honor was presented to GAIA founder Ilyas Bublis by Berlin’s Senator for Health and Social Affairs, Mr. Mario Czaja.

GAIA – Bir Dunya Projesi
UN Decade Project Winner 2012
On 23 April 2012 Gaia planted an ash and a sweet gum tree on the Spree bow in Berlin Mitte across from the Office of the Federal Chancellor.
On 23 April 2012 Gaia planted an ash and a sweet gum tree on the Spree bow in Berlin Mitte across from the Office of the Federal Chancellor.
Under the slogan „tree of life“ we planted the trees at the International Children`s Festival on 23 April 2012. The organizer of 23 Nisan eV took over the sponsorship of both tree.
With the start of the planting of a tree we put a concise and permanent sign for the environment and tolerance among peoples. This campaign symbolized at the same time an improvement of the quality of life in the cities all over the world. The aim is to set a character of the missing 10,000 trees in Berlin.
More than 100 Children were participated in the campaign, as well as the registered association 23 Nisan, the consul general of Turkey Mr. Mustafa Pulat, District Mayor Dr. Christian Hanke (SPD), Kai Wegner, MdB and finally Ekin Deligöz MdB.
This Campaign has taken place in consultation with the streets and parks commission Mitte Berlin, actually with Mr. Götte.
A heartfelt thanks to the nursery Loberg (Stefan Lordan) as well as the organizer 23 Nisan eV.
We thank you Märkisches Landbrot once again for drinks and fruit cakes, we thank also the streets and parks commission Berlin and finally 3 plus1 Quartett for the nice musical entertainment.

Mehr Bilder: hier…
Gaia Istanbul Swiss Hotel, 20. -21. February 2012, prepared by the Association Nature Friends Green Roofs
During the “international summit for green roofs” in the SWISS Hotel we found the opportunity to introduce our project GAIA GREEN ISTANBUL with a presentation for the greening of the roofs within the frame of cultural capital Istanbul 2010 & partner city Berlin.
We have made it a principle to develop our project further and further so that our country can benefit from it. We have set ourselves the goal to combine our roof projects with the solar energy and conservation of rain water and thus to maximize energy savings.
During this time, in which problems arise and will keep arising due to global warming, the green roofs of Istanbul and communities within the frame of the campaign Green IstanbulROOF PROJECT are greener, more natural and use the advantages of insulation.
But we know that we have to inform the public better about these activities. Daily, human are abusing the nature in an unconscious way and the soil of our country and around the world is ravages by erosion and threatens to disappear. The sooner we turn away from the environmental damage, caused by city life and which is depleting our resources, the better it will be for all of us.

GAIA pflanzt einen Baum am Tag des 50. Jubiläum des deutsch-türkischen Anwerbeabkommens (02.11.2011)
Das Umweltprojekt GAIA pflanzte am Donnerstag, 2. November 2011, 14.00 Uhr, am Paul Löbe Haus Berlin-Mitte anlässlich des 50. Jubiläums des deutsch-türkischen Anwerbeabkommens einen Baum und setzte damit ein Zeichen für die Völkerverständigung.
Vor 50 Jahren kamen die ersten Türken als Gastarbeiter – heute leben mehr als 2,5 Millionen Menschen mit türkischen Wurzeln in Deutschland. Kultur ist etwas Lebendiges, wie ein Baum kann es wachsen und gedeihen. Anlässlich des 50. Jubiläums des deutsch-türkischen Anwerbeabkommens pflanzte GAIA eine Sumpf-Eiche als ein lebendiges Symbol für die Völkerverständigung, den Umweltschutz und für die Solidarität pflanzen.
Schließlich leben wir alle in einer Zeit, in der die Verständigung der Völker und der Schutz von Umwelt und Natur im Angesicht der immer weiter steigenden Anzahl der Naturkatastrophen eine immer wichtigere Rolle spielt. Gemeinsam sind wir aufgerufen, noch entschiedener, noch mutiger und noch kreativer die Herausforderung des Klimawandels anzunehmen.
Diese Aktion findet in Absprache und Genehmigung mit dem Straßen- und Grünflächenamt Berlin – Mitte statt
Wir bedanken uns für die Unterstützung des Straßen- und Grünflächenamt Berlin – Mitte , Baumschule Lorberg

Climate Protection Begins here in Berlin
Each year we lose a colossal 13 million hectares of rainforest globally. And in Berlin alone, more trees are felled each year than are planted. Hosted by the Gaia environmental project, the ‘Forest of Global Understanding’ event at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate highlights the environmental threats faced by our planet as well as making a tangible step towards improving quality of life for our children.
Under the patronage of Germany’s Environment Minister Dr.Norbert Röttgen, and shools secratary Mr. Jürgen Zöllnerwe will be planting 15 lime trees along Berlin’s historic ‘Straße des 17. Juni’ we will be planting 64 lime trees along Berlin’s historic ‘Straße des 17. Juni’ boulevard up to the Brandenburg Gate. The tree planting event will kick off at 10.30am on 12 May 2011 with an introductory greeting from Norbert Röttgen, followed by music from Fleur de lys, the Berlin Guitar Trio and Samba band Terra Brasilis before we break the ground for the first tree.
We heartily invite you to join ambassadors, politicians and environment ministers, business representatives, journalists and schoolchildren from Berlin’s schools in pledging your support for climate protection – one of the most vital issues of our time. Your attendance is more than enough, however if you wish to make a strong statement of your support, we would be happy to welcome you as patron of one or more of the trees. Please contact us directly to find out more.

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Istanbul’da Özgün Bir Yeşillendirme Ve Çevre Projesi Gaia Cumhuriyetin / 86. Yılında Start Alıyor
On yıldır gerek yurtdışında gerek Türkiye’de gelenek haline getirdiğimiz ve ağaç dikmede ay takviminde belirlenmiş olan 29.10.2009 gününde bizim ağaç dikme günümüz olarak. Maltepe´de Cumhuriyet Bayrami bağlaminda yapılacak etkinliklere hareket kazandırmak amacıyla sembolik olarak Marmaris’ten değerli bir GÜNLÜK ağacı küçük bir törenle diktik. Böylece İstanbul’u yeşillendirebilmek için ilk adımımızı gerçekleştirmiş olduk. Her insan, içinde yaşadığı şehre duyduğu sevgi ile doğa için daha iyi bir anlayış geliştirmeli ve ağaç sponsorluğu sayesinde katkıda
bulunabilmelidir. Atatürk´ün de söyledigi gibi; “Yarının doğası bugünden yaratılır”. Dünyanın tüm şehirlerinde “Yeşil Akciğerlerimiz” ve daha iyi bir yaşam kalitesi için birlikte bir simge oluşturmak istiyoruz.

Gaia pflanzte Am Tag der Erde (22.04.2010) eine Eberesche in Berlin-Mitte Am Karlsbad an der Grünanlage
Gaia, die Umweltinitiative zum Schutz und zur Pflanzung von Bäumen, stellte am Mittwoch, dem 21. April, Vertretern Istanbuls in der Türkischen Botschaft ein Begrünungskonzept für die Kulturhauptstadt 2010 vor. Außerdem pflanzte die Umweltinitiative am folgenden Tag in Kooperation mit dem Naturschutzbund, “Yeşil Çember” BUND gemeinsam mit politischen Vertretern der Partnerstädte Istanbul und Berlin sowie weiteren bekannten Personen eine Eberesche.
An dieser Aktion nahmen folgende Personen und Kitas Teil:
– 23 Provinz Bürgermeister aus der Türkei
– Gülcan Nitsch, “Yeşil Çember” Umweltgruppe des Naturschutzverbandes BUND
– Kindergarten Fröbel Berlin , Kinder GmbH, Kita Traumbaum , Kinder GmbH, Kita KiBiLuga
– Murat Topal,& Family Comedian
– Başkonsolosluğu Maliye Ataşesi Baki Kerimoğlu,
Ps.: Mit freundlichen Dank an Herrn Jürgen Götte Bezirksamt Mitte Straßen-und Grünflächenamt, an Baumschule Späth’sche Baumschule und UfaBäckerei Vollwertspezialitäten aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau

30.4.2009: Green living power for Charlottenburg. On the 30th of April in 2009 two environmental events took place:
1.) Green lung for the Oppenheim-school in Berlin
In celebration of the “world tree day”, 30.04.2009, a tree planting and an environmental concert took place on the playground of the Oppenheim-school in Berlin.
By arrangement with the headteacher Mr Dettmer Besier, the two Berlin Rappers Meyah Don and Amewu performed, while around two hundred delighted pupils listened.
In between a Japanese Gingko tree was planted with the help of pupils. The whole event was integrated within the frame of the school´s class outing and the Slogan was:
Keep your fingers from the rainforests!!

2.) Green living power for the Seelingstr. (Berlin)
In the presence of the city councillor Mr Gröhler, who is the patron, plus dozens of children, nannies, teachers, artists and interested people, three lime trees were planted in Berlin-Charlottenburg´s Seelingstr. close to the organic bakery and café Brotgarten.
Daycares and schools, who participated:
Oppenheim Schule BERLIN
Kita Nordwest
Kita Warburgzeile
Berliner Rapper Meyah Don und Amewu
Künstler Maxxx biundo aus Berlin unterstützen die Benefizkonzerte – Music for Nature
Berlin lacht ev. Thomas & Team
They all supported the event and performed for our mother nature!! Thank you!
More pics: here…
Video by Youtube: here…
07.10.2008 Environment concert in Marmaris
On the 7th of October in 2008 a tree planting took place in Marmaris, Turkey. Present were Mustafa Kemalspasa Bulvari, around 600 pupils plus children from Marmaris and PhD Ahmet Altiparmak, who is the governor from Mugla.
Also attendant: Armutalan Belediye Baskani, Mr Muhammet ÜNLÜ, Marmaris Belediye Baskani M.Ali ACAR and Kaymakam A.Serdar Polat from Marmaris, Mr Dieter Schenk from Select Maris und Team, Milli egitim müdürü Züleyha ALDOGAN, Grand Yazici Aysen Hanim, Manolya Hotel Memduha & Reiner Kowal, Company Wall Istanbul and other known personalities.
Within the scope of this event 33 trees were planted. Afterwards the “Music for Nature”- concert took place at the yacht harbour of Marmaris. All the performing artists pursued one goal: To sensitise the consciousness of the Turkish population for nature.
We are particular thankful to the sponsor SELECT MARIS, to the whole team, and of course thanks to everybody, who has joined and supported this event!!

More Pics: here…
4. April 2008
A tree on tree day. Gaia plants a lime tree in Berlin-Kreuzberg
On the 24th of April in 2008 Gaia arranged a tree planting. The environmental organisation for protection and planting of trees organised this event short dated – because of the international tree day. The planting took place at 11am in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
80 pupils of the Lenau-school participated. “Especially for children it is very important to build up a close connection to nature and trees”, Ilyas Bublis explained. “What they learn today, will put them later in the position to take responsibility for our nature.” Due to this action Gaia increases the environmental consciousness of human-beings and creates our environment together with all citizens, so that it will stay livable.

More Pics: here…
Video by Youtube: here…
19.3.2008 Trees for Berlin-Babys
GAIA dedicates one tree to the newborn babys of the city. Hence mothers, fathers and their children are invited to come as well. Since both, children and trees, are important for us: They save our future. Thereon the environment project wants to remember. At the same time GAIA tries to motivate for further actions: From now on one tree shall be planted for every single newborn child in Berlin. Due to this, GAIA wants to gain more people for tree plantings. Thus, in the name of our children, the city can be embellished.
Representing the newborn children of Berlin, the 6 months young boy Justus Haase is going to adopt the tree. GAIA plants a limetree, that has a trunk circumference of 20/25 cm. The arboretum “Lorberg” supports this project.
GAIA´s Vision is that all over Europe and even worldwide other cities will be inspired by this idea. GAIA would be delighted to provide its know-how to anyone interested in tree plantings.
Many thanks to the daycares (KITAs), who have participated: Kita Ghanastr. 13, 13351 Berlin , Kita Emdener Str. 11-13, 10551 Berlin , Kita Neue Hochstr. 44, Kita EKT Boppstr, 10967 Berlin.
Many thanks for the musical accompaniment: Die Jugendband von Terra Brasilis, Manfred Spaniol und Herr Götte, von Grünflächenamt Berlin-Mitte und Kathrin vom Brotgarten mit dem Pony Dr. Cool.
Many thanks for the Catering: Ufa-Bäckerei Nikolaus Fink & Liz / Vertrieb, and of course thanks to everybody for coming!!
Marmaris,07.07.2007, Environment concert in Turkey´s first Green Hotel
The nature protection project “GAIA – Bäume sind cool” (trees are cool) is located, apart from Berlin, in another base: From now on various environment protection projects will also be organised in the Global-Vision-Manolya Hotel in Marmaris, situated at Turkey´s south-west-coast.
Due to the wonderful experience of the first environment concert “Music for Nature”, which took place in Berlin in 2006, among others with the music group Tümata (Dr Oruc Güven), Ilyas Bublis, founder of GAIA, attempts for another performance intensively- this time in Turkey.
That is going to happen in Marmaris at the 7.07.2007, within the frame of the worldwide concerts held on that day (patron is the former US-Vice-President Al Gore). This concert is planned as a non-profit-event, and thus there will be free entrance for everybody. In this way it is possible to reach more people. The musicians will perform without getting any fee.

Immigrant children put down roots in Berlin
Integrative environmental action including a tree planting on the 25th of April 2007 at 11 o´clock in Berlin-Wedding in celebration of the “day of the tree”.
The German-Turkish environmental project “GAIA – Bäume sind cool” sets an example for social integration in the context of environment protection. The educational senator Prof. Zöllner, who is the patron of this event, was present as well as many Immigrants and their children, when the 5 trees were planted. Also attendant have been the senator for health and social policy Ms Dr. Knake-Werner, the turkish consul general Ahmet Alpman, Claudia Roth MdB und Ingrid Müller from the Department of Environment.
Environmentalism connects – human beings with nature, citizens with their neighbourhood, pupils with their school. After long lasting negative reports about Berlin schools, 200 pupils of the Erika-Mann basic school set a positive example for integration and environment protection due to planting young street trees.
Trees provide the environment with clean breathing air. Hence they heighten the quality of living – especially in cities. In addition trees symbolise the social engagement of the citizens, who are multinational in Berlin as in many other cities. This tree planting was celebrated with music from Terra Brasil and supported by the UFA-bakery, who presented cakes and drinks.
Let us not forget, that we are a part of the entirety and that our duty is to save this planet and respect all the plants, animals and inhabitants, who live on earth. Every being has an inherent right to live here!!

Febuary 5-6, 2007 – Plantations in Bursa, Turkey
Ilyas Bublis is born in Ankara, lives in Germany and tries to unite our added values with modern civilization. He lives in Berlin, the greenest city in Europe.
In these days, where the world needs joyful events, Ilyas Bublis brought us a joyful message. He wants to expand the green of Berlin worldwide. Ilyas Bublis is acting in the field of environmental protection and nature conservation. He provides the German press coordination in this field. Besides, he has many sponsors. Ilyas Bublis is a person with a great heart. He was born in Ankara in 1965. His activities for environment, nature and tree nursery in Turkey he initiated in Bursa. On 05.02. and 06.02.2007 he planted 17 representative trees in the gardens of the mosques and tombs in Bursa and brought joy to nature lovers in Bursa. As the place, where his grandmother lives, Bursa is of great importance for him. He wants to bring joy with his trees and purposes not only to our history, but also to his grandmother.
Ilyas Bublis hankers after the days, were his activities are appreciated all over Europe. His dream is that Turkey gets introduced with these beauties as soon as possible. Ilyas Bublis is a person wishing perfect beauties. He is sure that these beauties may be realized in the universe. Therefore, he covers everyone with TV programs, training through newspapers and magazines and every kind of press works. He tries to strengthen the respect and love for nature, so that no fights are made for water and no man-made natural disasters arise.

2October 23rd 2006 (Bergmannstr. in Kreuzberg) – Planting of a Japanese Tree
In 1851 Seattle, chief of the Suquamish and other Indian tribes around Washington’s Puget Sound, delivered what is considered to be one of the most beautiful and profound environmental statements ever made.
How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?
Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing and humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man. The white man’s dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful earth, for it is the mother of the red man. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man–all belong to the same family.
So, when the Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy land, he asks much of us. The Great Chief sends word he will reserve us a place so that we can live comfortably to ourselves. He will be our father and we will be his children. So we will consider your offer to buy our land. But it will not be easy. For this land is sacred to us. This shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell you land, you must remember that it is sacred, and you must teach your children that it is sacred and that each ghostly reflection in the clear water of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water’s murmur is the voice of my father’s father.
Who harms the earth, ignores also its creator. Our sound world looks like this: Air pollution, ozone hole, nuclear contamination, radioactive waste and poisonous chemistry wastes, fish reserves destroyed, animals for business purposes cruelly tormented and killed, drinking water endangered, poison in food. “We should begin to feel with the head and think with the heart” Thanks to Jaki & Jill, Mr. Kuhnisch, Mr. Lorberg and to all tree friends. This tree is dedicated to my daughter Marlene and to all children of this earth because they are our future.

October 21st 2006 (Bellevue- Tiergarten) – planting of a road-side tree to substitute a sick one
Every two seconds we lose rain forest world-wide the size of a football field. The environmental organization Gaia “Trees are cool” organizes the first environmental concert: Music for Nature on October 2006 at 15.00 o’clock and makes people attentive to the destruction of the rain forests. Because without an intact nature there is also no future. Partiipants of the concert: PR Kantate, from Berlin Terra Brazil – Samba band of the UFA factory and the group of Tümata from Istanbul. During the concert a tree planting takes place, in order to replace a road-side tree gotten sick. Our goal is to mediate to the guests in the context of a multicolored music and stage program that each particular individual with small acts can make a large contribution for the preservation of our green habitats. Our sponsors are: Turkish Airlines, Güven Stage & technology: Rainer Wohlthat Entertainment GmbH. Tree school Lorberg, PR Kantate from Berlin

October 17th 2006 (Grellstr. in Pankow)
– collecting of leaves struck by tree-moths in Berlin: “Do something for your environment – be part of it”. The environmental organization Gaia was asked from the residents of the Grellstr. in Pankow to help with the removal of leaves struck by the tree-moths. For leaves collecting on October 17th 2006 pupils from the class 9a and 9b of the Martin Luther King school and the Heinrich Schliemann school with altogether 50 children participated. Cordial thanks to: Mr. Haupt and Mr. Karl-Heinz William and his team from the BSR, all pupils, teachers and head masters who took part. Only with the love and attention which we dedicate today to the trees, we can defeat the moths.

7. April 2006 (Oranienplatz in Kreuzberg)

November 7, 2005 (Oranienburger Straße in Mitte)
10 winter limes for Oranienburger Straße – Gaia is planting trees with Kastanienbaum Elementary School
Gaia planted at Oranienburger Straße between Jewish Synagog and Monbijou Park 10 winter limes. 21 pupil from Class 6b of Kastanienbaum Elementary School in Mitte helped the specialists with great excitement to plant these trees. Oranienburger Straße, a very important place and a great tourist attraction in Berlin has been thus embellished by private commitment. Also thanks to Stefan Lorberg from Baumschule Lorberg for his support.

3November 3, 2005 (Schiller Park Wedding)
Poplars for Schiller Park – Gaia is planting trees together with Mr. Ströbele, Town Council Mrs. Dubrau, 20 embassies and 400 children
Gaia planted on Thursday, 3rd of November together with the Green Spaces Departmen of Berlin-Mitte 27 poplars in the monumental protected Schiller Park. From 11.00 to 14.00 h a multicultural event has taken place under participation of 700 people, ambassadors, companies and pupil from Berlin, who celebrated the action “More trees in towns”. The ambassadors from Australia, Bulgaria, Jamaica, Kasachstan, Madagaskar, Tadjikistan, Thailand and representatives of the embassies of Brasil, Greece, Honduras, Croatia, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Sirbia and Montenegro, Slovenia and the USA were present. Our tree sponsors were: Gesobau AG, Ct- Arzneimittel, Lichtwer Pharma, Tele Columbus Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH, Lorberg Baumschule Tremmen. Sponsors: Mövenpick im Europacenter, Lehmann-Crew, for-you-events, Flaggenhaus am Alex, expofair.

15. April 2005 (Bergmannstr, Berlin Kreuzberg)
10 trees for Bergmannstraße, Kreuzberg – with Gaia, Christian Ströbele and primary-school-classes

15th December 2004 Green life power for Kurfürstendamm
Trees are the most unique impression for power of life. They We are able to feel nature directly – even downtown. But unfortunately the power of many trees in Berlin are overused, illness and storms destroyed them. Bad for us, because trees support the climate, filter air, are a joy for our eyes and award the city with a special quality of life! Ingeborg Junge-Reyer, senator for city planning and the environment initiative „Gaia – Trees are cool“ came together for the same goal: to plant a new tree in Berlin. On 15.12.2004 at 11.00 h our time had come on the middle line of Kurfürstendamm at Lehniner Platz (at Damaschkestr 6). From this date on a Sophora japonica ‚Regent’ will grow there to our enjoyment. This tree has been paid by Gaia and our sponsor the tree school Baumschule Lorberg (Tremmen, Brandenburg).

22. Oktober 2004 (Bukow, Berlin)
This time Ilyas and his team planted trees at beautiful Bukow. Even villas (Sprosser Weg) need new and beautiful trees.

30. April 2004 (Berlin Prenzlauer Berg)
With the president of the German Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse
The president of the German Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse planted a tree in Berlin Pankow-Prenzlauer Berg, Kollwitzstraße 72.

22. April 2004 (Kurfürstendamm, Berlin Charlottenburg)
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of ALTOP – printer and creator of the economic platform – we planted a tree in Berlin Charlottenburg. The second tree was planted in presence of celebrity Rolf Eden.

18. Dezember 2003 (Kurfürstendamm, Berlin Wilmersdorf)
With support of the Icehockey Team „Berlin Capitals“ we planted a tree at the prestigeous Kurfürstendamm.

2. November 2003 (Berlin Tiergarten)
With support of the waterpolo team “Wasserfreunde Spandau 04” we planted a tree at Berlins Tiergarten.

5. Oktober 2003 (Berlin Tiergarten)
At the second „Tree Parade“ we walked throug Berlins Tiergarten, collecting leaves to avoid the spreading of the horsechestnut leafminer. At the end we plantet a new chestnut tree.

9. Februar (Berlin)
GAIA organised the first „Tree Parade”, walking along all trees we had planted.

22. November 2002 (Strasse unter den Linden, Berlin Mitte)
We planted 4 trees in the street.

23. Oktober 2002 (Luiseninsel, Berlin Tiergarten)
Here we planted 3 trees as well.

21.Oktober 2002 (Halenseepark, Berlin Wilmersdorf)
Here we planted 3 trees.

17. Juli 2002 (Englischer Garten, Berlin-Tiergarten)
The first public plantation of trees happend on July 17th 2002 under support of Pattrick Weissinger (Captain of the German National Waterpolo Team).