30.10.2023 Gaia United plants 100 trees in Berlin and İstanbul
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Was ist GAIA?
GAIA is an is an environmental protection project, that aims to make people be aware of the important function that trees have for the ecological balance of our nature as well as for their individual well-being. We campaign for the conservation of the poulation of trees in Berlin, as well as in other places where storms, forest fires or varmint plagues have destroyed them. For that reason we finance the plantation of trees and try to motivate people to act for the conservation of other natural habitats. Through the organisation of public planting events with celebrities adopting a tree, we try to get attention by the press.
Projekte & Aktionen
Unsere Mutter Erde ruft uns – wir, ihre Kinder, müssen ihr antworten. Zusammen sind wir die Antwort. Beantworten wir ihren
Istanbul stehen Goldene Zeiten bevor. Die Stadt am Bosporus ist eine der weltweit am schnellsten wachsenden Metropolen der Welt und
Neben den öffentlichkeitswirksamen Aktionen leistet GAIA immer wieder auch ganz direkt praktische Hilfe. Möglichst im Beisein von prominenten Baumpaten, pflanzten…
We thank you for your future, your world, your greenery, and that you are a partner in the planting of a tree, and we urge you to become partners in gaiamoment….